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 Research in order to improve HAB forecasting in New England and to enhance the efficiency of future monitoring and regulation.

One goal of the research is to understand this particular event by using the model to reproduce or “hindcast” the event. Hindcasts help scientists understand the critical factors that cause blooms, which will improve future forecasts.

In addition, because future forecasts will be influenced by Alexandrium’s resting cysts, which are deposited on the seafloor at the end of a bloom and will seed future blooms, scientists mapped new cyst distributions for incorporation into predictive models. These models will aid bloom forecasting in future years.

Forcast metigation

forcast of HAB

A lot of organisation have put very ambaitiouse Algal Bloom simulation that give pretty close model to the potential growtrh of Algal Bloom but some model miss the prevesion like in 2010 that predictated a huge surge of HAB but nothing such happened ,evetough all the ingrediant were there , the conclusison is that the phenomenon is verry complexe and alot of parameters are not yet integrated in these modele but the continuous adavence in the remote senssing and biological field will get us closer and closer to a best simulation of the probleme.

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Using measurements taken from New England waters during the bloom, researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution produced a computer-modeled “hindcast” of the 2005 bloom. Click image for larger view, image credit, and full caption

Algal Bloom Status ,forcast, and Metigation.

How the smallest creature affect the biggest eco-systeme

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